
Bootstrap is great for getting your projects up and running quickly and having them really shine. Upgrading... that's a beach!

Do you just copy over files and never look back? Happy with the version you're using? What's a version?
...this isn't for you

However... if you started with a cloned a version of Bootstrap, made some variables.less updates here and there to get your colors just right, added in your own Javascript goodies or maybe you just got crazy and recreated your whole company blog using Bootstrap... way to go!

Do you roll your own .less changes but wish upgrading Bootstrap was as easy as using it?
...I've got you!

Let's suppose there's a new version of Bootstrap that fixes those pesky issues you've been waiting for, now it's time to integrate those changes into your totally custom site. If you've got this solved, let me know! ...but for now, here's my solution.

There's both shell and node shell versions. This is how you would upgrade to the latest version of bootstrap in your project (using the shell version):

  1. $ ./ update
  2. $ ./ bootstrap
Now you can keep your Bootstrap 'unstrapped' and make your CSS changes independently of any updates to the Bootstrap project itself.

It may be easier in your project just to use the build scripts and customize those to your liking

You can include either by grabbing the latest version here:

Download Just The Build Script:

Download file

Download build.js file
